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The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) presents multinational companies with a combination of data privacy and security mandates that are, in many cases, unprecedented. Among these are the Right to be Forgotten, Privacy by Design and by Default, and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs). Other mandates, such as the necessity for hiring a Data Protection Officer (DPO), offer little guidance in determining whether they apply to a given company. Still others, such as 72-hour breach notifications, necessitate significant changes in the way individual departments work with one another.

In the webinar, privacy and security industry veterans will identify the GDPR’s 10 toughest problems and offer perspective on how best to solve them in advance of the May 25, 2018 deadline.


  1. Locating all of your organization’s personal data and mapping it
  2. Determining whether you need a data protection officer
  3. Privacy by Design and by Default
  4. Cross-border data transfers
  5. Third Party Compliance
  6. Data Protection Impact Assessments
  7. Breach notification
  8. Providing notice and obtaining consent
  9. The Right to be Forgotten
  10. Crafting a privacy policy

Who should attend: Information security and cyber security, also Information Officers including CIOs, Information Security Directors, Staff Attorneys, or anyone concerned with the European Union GDPR

Scott Giordano
Robert Half Legal
Solving the GDPR’s 10 Toughest Problems
Webinar Replay